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    This  section  details all  the information  contained about
    each user in the user database:

       Name               : User's full name
       Handle             : User's registered handle
       Location           : Where the user is calling from
       Password           : Secret password
       Security level     : Security level (1-64000, 0 to lock out)
       Home telephone     : Home/voice telephone number
       Business telephone : Business/data telephone number
       A flags            : "A" flag settings ("-" or "X")
       B flags            : "B" flag settings ("-" or "X")
       C flags            : "C" flag settings ("-" or "X")
       D flags            : "D" flag settings ("-" or "X")
       Netmail credit     : Netmail credit remaining
       Unsent netmail     : Value of unsent (unexported) netmail
       Uploads            : Total number of uploads
       Downloads          : Total number of downloads
       Upload K           : Total kilobytes of uploads
       Download K         : Total kilobytes of downloads
       Today download K   : Kilobytes downloaded today
       Comment            : Comment, can contain anything
       Last call (time)   : Time user last called
       Last call (date)   : Date user last called
       Subscription       : Subscription expiry date
       Birthdate          : Date of birth
       Time used          : Minutes used today
       Screen length      : User's screen length
       Password calls     : Number of calls since last pwd change
       Msgs posted        : Total number of messages posted
       High msg           : Highest message read
       Deleted            : Delete user when database is packed?
       Screen clear       : Send screen clear codes?
       Screen pause       : Pause at the end of each screen?
       ANSI               : Send ANSI codes?
       AVATAR             : Send AVATAR codes?
       Locked             : Never kill user?
       Xfer priority      : Ignore download hours and ratios?
       Full screen editor : Use the full screen ANSI msg editor?
       Quiet mode         : Ignore online messages?
       Hotkeys            : Use hotkeys?
       Full screen viewer : Use the full screen msg viewer?
       Hidden             : Hidden from the user list?
       Group number       : User's group number (1 - 255)                                   .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson